Art Therapy

Whenever you contract with CARTSS, your patients benefit from a regular rotation of experienced, board-certified therapists who specialize in a variety of creative arts therapeutic modalities. 

What is art therapy?

Art therapy empowers patients to process challenging emotions constructively through the creation of visual art.

When you partner with CARTSS, a board-certified art therapist will regularly provide group and individual therapy through visual mediums such as painting, collage, and mask making.

When therapy addresses the root cause rather than focusing solely on symptoms, it inspires patients to invest more deeply in their long-term mental health. Further, it fosters greater trust and cooperation with their healthcare providers.

How does art therapy benefit your patients?

Art therapy is an effective treatment for people of all ages experiencing mental health issues or intellectual disabilities.

Art therapy is a particularly effective form of treatment for patients who have experienced trauma

Research has shown a high degree of correlation between traumatic experiences and serious mental health conditions. One study found that 91% of hospitalized psychiatric patients had experienced at least one form of trauma. For this reason, art therapy is an especially helpful treatment for hospitalized patients.

Elevated Care

Each CARTSS contract includes a regular rotation of board-certified therapists who specialize in different creative arts therapeutic modalities. So, your patients will get to experience a variety of creative arts therapies rather than being limited to the specialization of one in-house therapist. (More information on our other therapeutic modalities here.)

Different patients have different therapeutic needs, so a CARTSS contract allows you to effectively treat a broad spectrum of patients.

Access to Highly Educated & Experienced Therapists 

CARTSS’ art therapists are master-level, board-certified art therapists, many of whom are also licensed professional clinical counselors (LPCC), licensed clinical social workers (LCSW), or licensed marriage family therapists (LMFT) with the state of California. 

Skilled Group Therapy for People Experiencing a Wide Range of Acute Mental Health Conditions

CARTSS art therapists are adept at providing compassionate group therapy to a room that may include people in the midst of psychosis alongside people with severe eating disorders, folks suffering suicidal impulses, and those experiencing acute symptoms from mood and personality disorders or substance withdrawal. 

Even many medical professionals feel overwhelmed and avoidant when confronted with such a challenging group dynamic, but our therapists excel at providing a safe, empathetic treatment environment for all such patients.

How does art therapy benefit your hospital, clinic, or treatment facility?

CARTSS contracts provide a much higher degree of stability than the traditional model of a single in-house activity therapist. 

This consistent, dependable level of long-term patient care benefits everyone: from your patients to your nursing staff, to your social workers, to your HR department. It also benefits your bottom line.

Lower Turnover Rates & Reduce Patient Care Burden for In-House Staff

The turnover rate for in-house activity therapists is notoriously high. When the patient census is down and budget cuts are imminent, this is one of the first positions to be eliminated.

Unfortunately, this common occurrence frequently results in irregular, inconsistent group therapy. This destabilizes both patient treatment and their trust and cooperation with their healthcare providers.

This disruption also burdens your nursing staff and social workers with a much heavier workload and patients that require more of their attention. This added stress lowers job satisfaction and increases the likelihood of needing to scramble to hire and train replacements- which can quickly drain your budget and strain your HR department.

CARTSS provides stability that patients and staff alike will be relieved that they can depend on.

Reliable Care, No Matter What

Since our contracts are long-term, you can count on reliable, effective group therapy regardless of your patient count, the state of that quarter’s budget, or even a pandemic. (CARTSS maintained a 99.1% delivery rate throughout the course of the COVID-19 crisis.)

Stability is such a popular benefit of partnering with CARTSS, that we have hospital contracts that have been renewed for decades.

Why Partner With CARTSS

For more than 30 years, CARTSS has been supporting patients and hospitals with its unique, highly-effective creative arts therapy treatment model.

We have led more than 80,000 group therapy sessions in 10 different hospital and community organization settings.

Our mission is to provide a dynamic solution for mental health programs so that the restorative nature of the creative arts cultivates stability within individuals and communities. You can learn more about us here.

Contact us

Contact us

If you’re interested in booking us for your hospital, treatment program, counseling center, or community organization, get in touch with us by filling out the form below.