Social Services

The CARTSS team are board-certified creative arts therapists. Several are also licensed psychotherapists.

CARTSS can lead or assist with:

  • Psychosocial treatment plan development and updates

  • Group therapy

  • Individual psychotherapy sessions

Reliable Care No Matter What

In a typical California hospital setting, there can be just two social workers for upwards of 30 psychiatric patients. 

When overburdened with discharge planning, group therapy is often stalled, irregular, or doesn’t happen at all. Unfortunately, hospital administrators may not realize that they are not providing required services until they are audited and fined.

When you partner with CARTSS, you can count on regular, reliable patient treatment- no matter the circumstances. We’re proud to have maintained a 99.1% delivery rate throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Higher Morale

Some of the most common feedback we receive from nurses is that “it’s quieter on the unit when you’re here.”

While the CARTSS team provides the compassionate, consistent attention your patients crave, your in-house staff has fewer behavioral incidents to contend with. This frees up their focus for pressing, day-to-day tasks.

Less Churn

With less job pressure, burnout is reduced and your organization is saved thousands in turnover costs. Your HR department will thank you for not having to recruit, onboard, and train replacements as frequently.

This level of service is why hospitals and community organizations have turned to us for more than 30 years.

Why Partner With CARTSS

For more than 30 years, CARTSS has been supporting patients and hospitals with its unique, highly-effective creative arts therapy treatment model.

We have led more than 80,000 group therapy sessions in 10 different hospital and community organization settings.

Our mission is to provide a dynamic solution for mental health programs so that the restorative nature of the creative arts cultivates stability within individuals and communities. You can learn more about us here.

Contact us

Contact us

Ready to bring effective, stable group therapy to your organization? Please reach out.